Fashion Ever After Blog

I'm excited to be the co-president for the 2023/2024 school year of the Recycled Closet Club at San Marin High School! We rolled things out last week at the school's club fair and received a lot of great attention and signups for the club.

This summer my family and I traveled to Slovenia, one of Europe's greenest countries, and its capital city Ljubljana. Of course this meant checking out the local recycled fashion scene!

I proposed a new category for recycled fashion in the 2023 Marin County Fair, and you can enter it now!

I developed a recycled fashion craft project using old T-shirts to make custom headbands for our 2023 Girl Scout Camporee at Camp Bothin in Fairfax. Learn how I created this project and get instructions on how to make them!

What happens to used clothing that isn't sold at the Goodwill thrift stores? It's sent to the Goodwill Outlet Store, AKA "the Bins" to be sold by the pound. Learn about my visit there.

Fast fashion waste is a global problem. See how unwanted clothing is harming Chile's Atacama Desert.

Don't buy new — make or buy a gently used Halloween costume this season.

I entered one of my recycled fashion creations in the 2022 Marin County Fair, and won a 2nd place ribbon

Creating or repairing your own clothing means learning how to sew. Learn the basics and more in SRJC's FASH 70A course.